A Program to be Proud of
Yeah, yeah, we know, "Pride comes before the fall."
But let's think for a bit of the good sorts of pride. For example, the pride that comes from a job well done… or the pride of being a part of something bigger than yourself, something great… or the pride that comes from knowing that the healthy, positive decisions you're making now will result in a healthy, positive future full of hope and promise. These are the sorts of pride Bola Moyo's staff will be striving to instill in the youth of Balaka, Malawi as we move forward with our new, and so aptly named, program: PRIDE.
If you've ever been involved with the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Woodcraft Folk, or 4H, you'll probably be familiar with how PRIDE will work. Pride is a multi-year, multi-tier program broken into small, localized groups that gather weekly. The groups are facilitated by older youth and adults. These leaders focus their attention on the needs and potential of each individual member and encourage them to develop an active interest and concern for their family, community, country, and culture.
So many of the young people with whom we work have lost parents, guardians, teachers, and other mentors to AIDS. This is why, through a variety of arts, crafts, games, and other activities, Bola Moyo's Malawian partners teach and model valuable life and leadership skills to youth. Their goal is to widen each young person's perspective, hone their abilities to think critically and make informed and wise decisions, and expand their curiosity of all aspects of the world around them.
The structure and purpose of the new PRIDE program come directly from Bola Moyo's Malawian staff, volunteers, and youth leaders, as well as other members of the Balaka community including parents and teachers. PRIDE is set up to both supplement and compliment the incredibly positive work that is already in progress at the House of Many Stories Youth Centre.
You can tell by now, I'm sure, that PRIDE is a program we're extremely proud of. As we proceed with this exciting new endeavor, we look forward to keeping you up to date on all the latest challenges and success stories and ask for your continued support.
Zikomo kwambiri ndi tsalani bwino! Thanks very much and stay well!