Friday, March 28, 2008

Look What's Happening at the New House of Many Stories! - Part II

As promised, here are some more pictures and updates from Malawi. Most of these pictures were taken in January of this year.

For a variety of reasons, economic and cultural (these will be described in more detail on our website soon), it is difficult for a girl in Malawi to pursue an education. As a result many young girls are left with no other option than early marriage and motherhood and older women often lack the knowledge (read: power) to improve their own or their families' situation. So, one of the most exciting things to happen so far this year is the birth of a brand new program that offers Adult Literacy and Continuing Education courses to the women of Balaka.

Rose Mbendera is heading up this new endeavor. We'll have a bio (her story is an inspiring one) on our website very soon.

The classes are only a few months old but they are growing by leaps and bounds. They began in what was the dining room of Bola Moyo's rented house in Balaka...

...and soon, we were persuaded to transform the living room into a classroom.

Here is one of Rose's less shy students demonstrating her English abilities.

Now, almost 4 months into it, the living room turned classroom is also no longer a suitable size for our adult students. We are currently trying to locate a larger, yet affordable and conveniently situated, space in which these activities can take place.

As we also work to accomodate the growing number of youth attending the Center, here they are as they unload bricks that will be the floor of one of the new outdoor shelters (see previous post).

George, a member of Bola Moyo's staff, builds what will become the composting area for our Organic Learning Garden.

Some of the youth get to help start the first compost heap.

Can you see that good-looking corn peeking over the fence of the garden? It's almost harvest time.

A few of our PRIDE kids (this is about half of our pilot group for the new PRIDE program) show off the PRIDE sign which is meant to symbolize 'togetherness'

Maria sings us a solo.

Mphatso tries his hand as a teacher.

Margaret tries teaching me how to carry large, heavy buckets of water on my head. I honestly don't know how they do this.

A party would not be enough to show our staff and their families just how much we appreciate the work they do and how much we love working with them but in late January, we threw one anyway!

And stay tuned for more...


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